Your gold mine is one inch from your fingertips
If your a fan of success stories, no doubt you’ve heard the story of gold miner R.U. Darby. During the gold rush era in Colorado, Darby and his uncle ran a just-barely successful mining operation. At one point, however, the gold vein ran out. After digging here and there, they became frustrated and sold their…
A bearded hacker, a bottle of vodka, and eternal vigilance
Somewhere in a grime-covered building in Poltava, Ukraine, a guy with a three-day beard named Igor is hunched over a laptop. There’s a half-empty bottle of vodka on the shelf above him. But Igor isn’t drinking tonight. He’s trying to hack into one of our websites, maintained by TreeFrogClick marketing. But his efforts will be otkaz. Our software…
Online training of your staff is quick and efficient
You’ll find that online training – with the phone contact and screen sharing – is a good solution to your business or nonprofit training needs. It’s faster than reading a book, and easier than stumbling around with trial and error. With screen-sharing software, you can see, on your screen, real-life examples of how things work. We’ll share…
Get your sheep in Facebook’s pen
Just the other day I was talking to one of our clients. She wasn’t getting any commitments from the prospects we got for her with our online survey. “Do you have a Facebook page?” I asked. “No,” she said. “Then you are not able to keep up with your prospects.” Asking for a lifetime commitment of joining…
Get hundreds of prospects – with an autoresponder
How do you get your fans to get more involved in your business? Or how do you find such new people in the first place? You set up a free newsletter course. We recently got 28 signups in eight days for a spirituality course for one of our nonprofits. We used both paid advertising and…