No 4th of July fizzle: Ads were a part of America’s founding

If you find yourself watching the Fourth of July fireworks on TV, but complaining about the ads, consider this: the foundation of our country rested in part on paid advertisements. The hearts and minds of early Americans were moved by the arguments in the Federalist Papers, and ads helped. Those famous 85 essays, by Alexander…

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Should you respond to nasty online comments?

Would you be worried if someone whispered behind your back? Just recently I spoke with the owner of a well maintained, family-friendly campground about online publicity. I was surprised at what she said. I had asked her about her online presence. They had an attractive website, but not a Facebook page. She said she didn’t get involved…

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Do you put all your eggs in one Facebook basket?

Just yesterday I received an email from Facebook that shows that the social media giant is not flawless. They told me, “You will now be able to create offers. There was a technical glitch in our system which has now been rectified. Sorry for the inconvenience.” I had run into a problem while making an offer…

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The billboard boo-boo that loses 100 clients a day

The student of advertising doesn’t have to sit in front of a digital screen to see pitiful examples of his craft being trashed. Cruise down a highway in any major city, and you’ll see that the advertisers are batting only about 10%, maybe even less. Besides the cardinal sin of having too many words on billboards (drivers have…

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Like the Boogers? Keep your hankies handy

When I saw the sign, I felt like ripping it down. The Boogers were back in Berwyn. I couldn’t imagine a more disgusting name for a rock group, but someone must have thought otherwise. The group, based in this suburb just outside of Chicago, calls itself a punk rock band for kids. The group actually sounds…

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